ASTM B913: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Crimped Electrical Connections to 16-Gauge and Smaller Diameter Stranded and Solid Conductors.
1.1 This test method establishes the requirements for a standardized method of evaluating the quality of crimped-type electrical connections to solid or stranded conductors. This test method applies to 16-gauge and smaller diameter copper wire, coated or uncoated.
5.2 In order to achieve a successful crimped connection, the crimping tool must deform the material of the crimp barrel or barrel tab(s) around the conductor. As a consequence, the conductor surfaces are placed under compression by the crimp terminal and areas of contact are established between the conductor and the crimp barrel. These areas provide the desired electrical connection. A reliable crimped connection is one that is capable of maintaining the contact between the conductor and crimp barrel so that a stable electrical connection is maintained when it is exposed to the conditions it was designed to endure during its useful life.
5.3 Evaluation testing is designed to ensure that a particular design crimped connection system consisting of conductor and component and associated tooling is capable of achieving a reliable electrical and mechanical connection. After the evaluation is completed, if any change in the system parts is made, the system should be reevaluated using the same procedures.
5.4 After completion of the evaluation test, the tensile pull strength results may be used to develop acceptance requirements to be used in inspection of subsequent production lots of crimped connections.