ISO 75-1
Plastics -- Determination of temperature of deflection under load.
This method specifies a general test method for the determination of the temperature of deflection under load (flexural stress under three-point loading) of plastics. Different types of test specimen and different constant loads are defined to suit different types of material.
It is determined for materials such as thermoplastics, hard rubber and duroplastic laminates.
Test Procedure:
The bars are placed under the deflection measuring device. A load of 0.45 MPa or 1.80 MPa is placed on each specimen. The specimens are then lowered into a silicone oil bath where the temperature is raised at 2° C per minute until they deflect 0.25 mm for ASTM, 0.32 mm for ISO flatwise, and 0.34 mm for ISO edgewise.
Specimen size:
ASTM uses a standard bar 5" x ½" x ¼". ISO edgewise testing uses a bar 120mm x 10mm x 4mm. ISO flatwise testing uses a bar 80mm x 10mm x 4mm.