ISO 15835-1:2009 specifies requirements for reinforcement couplers, hereafter called couplers, to be used for splicing of steel reinforcing bars.
ISO 15835-1:2009 specifies requirements for couplers to be used for mechanical splices in reinforced concrete structures under predominantly static loads and additional requirements for couplers to be used in structures subject to high cycle elastic fatigue loading and/or to low cycle elastic-plastic reverse loading.
ISO 15835-1:2009 is intended to be applicable in relation to the various reinforced concrete design standards as well as in relation to the various standards for steel reinforcing bars.
ISO 15835-1:2009 also provides directions for the evaluation of conformity of couplers.
Rebar Coupler Tensile Testing Machine
Seismic testing of couplers for slippage requires cycling the specimen.
Comprised of two pieces of rebar joined by a coupler.
Tests can be tension-tension cycling only or demand through-zero cycling like the requirements of AC133, CS2, or ISO 15835.
ISO 15835 Steels for the reinforcement of concrete -- Reinforcement couplers for mechanical splices of bars
Refer UnitedTest hydraulic universal testing machine, for the steel rebar tensile test, steel bar coupler through-zero cycling testing.