Fabric Tensile Strength Test | Strip Strength Test | Grab strength test | Tearing strength test | Elmendorf Tear Test | Bursting strength
The strip test is a tensile test in which the full width of the test specimen is gripped in the tensile grip jaws of a universal testing machine. During this test, tensile force is applied on the fabric specimen until it ruptures. Mechanical properties to analyze include the force at rupture and the elongation (expressed as percentage) at maximum force and/or at rupture.
Five fabric samples are taken in parallel to warp and five samples parallel to weft direction
Then cut the specimen of 2.5 inch in width and removing the threads from both the edges until the width has been reduced to 2 inch.
Test length should be 8 inch clamped between the jaws, take enough test length so that the sample if properly gripped in the jaws.
Then mount the specimen centrally and security gripped along the full width of he fabric which prevent slippage of sample.
Then tensile force is applied uniformly till the specimen tear out.